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Your Health Depends On Where You Live

Your Health Depends On Where You Live

There are several factors such as genetics, environment and lifestyle that risk our health without our knowledge as Bill Davenhall explains (Davenhall, 2009). Environmental is a major factor that risks our lives but people often ignore it and do not consider it. As Bill explains doctors too are not keen in asking patients where they live since environmental is often ignored as a possible risk in living a healthy life (Davenhall, 2009). I live some meters away from the road since the school apartment is located just few meters from the road. I had never thought about the possible risks of living in apartments which neighbor roads. A lot of people use automobiles as the main means of transport. Most of the vehicles consume fossil fuels which when burnt in air end up producing carbon IV oxide gas which is one of the most harmful gases on human bodies. This shows that I possibly breathe much carbon IV oxide exhaled by the vehicles since the road is busy. Carbon IV oxide gas is harmful to the human body and might end up putting me at risks of various respiratory diseases and chronic illnesses such as lung cancer. We need to consider where we live and kinds of environment we expose our bodies to. In my case, living near a busy road is dangerous and impacts on my health negatively. Most people ignore environmental factors as possible risks to the health and mainly focus on genetics and lifestyles. The lesson I learn from Bills talk is that no matter how much I observe my lifestyle I should put into consideration the environment I expose myself into. 



Davenhall.B (2009)Your health depends on where you live. Retrieved from

297 Words  1 Pages
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