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Does social work differ from a state to another?

A Social Worker Interview


            Delma D’silva works as a social worker in her personal counseling institution located in Australia in Melbourne.  Delma is a master’s and bachelor’s degree holder (BSW and MSW), from the university of Melbourne in Australia.  Her counseling institute is two years hold since she has been working in numerous private counseling organizations.


  1. Does social work differ from a state to another?

            In reality, it does not.  Importantly, social working can be described as an independent practice which is constant across the globe.  However, structuring, methodology, and design differ in the different nations but generally, it deals with assisting individuals to handle issues in their existence.  The demand for social work is higher in some countries depending on the stability of the surrounding situation.

  1. What is the specific training that is necessary for any social worker generally and where did you acquire yours?

            In order for an individual to qualify as a social worker one is necessitated to major in an undergraduate program particularly in social work. My BSW was acquired after a program at Melbourne University that took four years.  In addition in attained by master’s degree in the same university in social work major. In addition, I have complete records of family consultation and therapy training which qualified me to be a member of family therapist’s Victorian association.

  1. What role do you play personally as a social worker?

Social worker deals with assisting individuals to deal with social and personal issues in different settings which may include schools, hospitals, government agencies, community and so on.  My responsibilities in the different setting that  I have worked in involves socializing with guardians and parents to assist them in handling and offering support to hospitalized children by offering the necessary information.  In addition, I also assist individuals to cope with stress which may have been generated from issues such as separation and children matters.

  1. Was it optional to becoming a social worker?

Venturing into social work for me was a personal decision which was influenced by the need to solve emotional distress for others.  Back at the university, my peers would always consult me for their issues which triggered my desires.  In addition, I have always held the desire of offering solutions since it hurts me when others are suffering.

  1. Do you think that the social worker's industry is effective?

Effectiveness is rarely achieved in most instances due to modern changes. However, I believe that the industry is accomplishing what it has been set   with several flaws which require adjustment but it is doing its best.

  1. What advice do you have for those aspiring to become social workers?

Individuals must be ready to handle a sensitive and a vulnerable group.  This profession requires passion and the willingness to compromise with limitations.  The interests of the community must always be prioritized.


474 Words  1 Pages
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