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Families and education

Families and education


            The inadmissibly high dropout rate in Cuba, Steelville in Mo town can be viewed as a crisis due to the adverse impacts.  The dropping out activity has impacts on the person and on their future chances and the intense economic as well as the social costs that they have on the society and the entire nation. As a result of the issue of drop out, there are only a few numbers of students who are able to graduate in the town (Northern Illinois University 2015). The dropout case poses a threat onto the economic sector of the community since these people fail to acquire all the skills that are needed so as to enable them to be competitive in the job market. Thus they end up forming the large part of the dependency ratio unto the few who are working. This therefore reduces the economy of the family and in general the community (Northern Illinois University 2015). These dropouts are also unable to acquire life skills through the education system and thus they are unable to start up their own business since they are even not aware of the skills such as financial management. Hence the society ends up suffering in economic terms. Majority of the dropouts are unemployed and thus they end up engaging in immoral behaviors such as stealing and taking of drugs so as to raise their self-esteem and also to be able to survive. Hence they socially affect the society since they fail to live within the standards of the society and most of them ends up in prison while some of their students ends up dropping out of school just like their parents due to lack of moral upbringing and role modeling.





            Northern Illinois University (2015). Steeleville High School (9-12). Retrieved from:

306 Words  1 Pages
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