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Universal human rights

Universal human rights

            Most of the people in the world in the present day acknowledge belief in the universal human rights. However these rights have gone through so many challenges as others doubt the existence of these rights.  This idea has grown over the years and has gone through some changes over thousands of years ago. Many philosophers have come up with their own line of ideas and it is through them that the ideas on universal human rights have developed from and has developed to what is used in the contemporary world.  This paper therefore will base its argument on the historic sources by Gene Blocker that are used in the contemporary world and other ancient codes, documents and artifacts that have been used in the contemporary society.

  1. Gene Blocker is basically a philosopher of art and he is one of the philosophers who are involved in developing the ideas of human rights from the ancient times through to the pre-modern to medieval and to the modern times (Parsons & Blocker 1993). He therefore argued that all human races share some of the natural human rights that are inalienable. His historic sources are from the natural laws of human rights (Blocker 1999). These sources are as well applied in the current world we are living in as they form the basis of human rights of the people. It is through these rights that the people are able to be free and are able to live, to have property, to be treated equally and also to be treated justly. Human race is equally important and hence human rights ought to be respected.





Blocker, H. G. (1999). World philosophy: An East-West comparative introduction to philosophy.             Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.

Parsons, M. J., & Blocker, H. G. (1993). Aesthetics and education. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.




308 Words  1 Pages
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