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Racial Equity in Parks and Recreation

Racial Equity in Parks and Recreation


There have been a significant number of cases of both large-scale and small-scale riots and protests at various recreational facilities in U.S in the past. Expansion of recreational spaces’ civil rights is very important ensuring equality and equity not in terms of racial equity and equality but in having a collective engagement for overall success (Kellogg & Nelson, 2016). There is a need to come up with a plan that will conform to the government policies that call for equity and equality in accessing recreational opportunities. Such a plan will address the cases of institutional racism where procedure and practices unintentionally work for white people better than people of colour and structural racism where past and current reality in institutions work together to have a system that affect people of colour negatively (Bullock & Rodgers, 1975).


The plan is to use $2 million for the purpose of renovation of a park such that it becomes a dual purpose facility that have fields for various sports such as softball and football. At the same time the park should hold recreational facilities that can be useful to the neighbourhood residents. The park is made such that it can host members outside the neighbouring community and at the same time accommodate members outside the city who may not share same demographics as the residents (Brianna, 2016). This will reduce the cases of local residents, who prefer different sports, being displaced by people from other suburbs.

Training of staff

The plan will also involve training the staffs especially those who manage the park and the renovation team on how to ensure racial equity. This will be done in consideration that the neighbourhood may have many immigrants who are usually the people of colour and predominantly renters.

Outreach mission

The plan will involve reaching out to the local residents and families to improve their understanding on how to register for the programs at the park and this will be done while making sure that instructions can be accessed in various languages. Included also is emphasis on the need for cohesion regardless among community members regardless of racial affiliation. To reduce conflict between residents and outsiders there will be posting of signs to notification on when any field is reserved (Wolcott, 2012).

Selecting a community advisory committee

The project will use a wider approach to ensure racial equity. A community committee will be recruited that includes representatives of the diverse demographics in terms of race. It will also include members of various economic classes and various age groups. Thus the plan will include the immigrants and native residents who will be required to apply to join the committee. The committee will be expected to hold the authorities responsible and ensure no group is left out in accessing the park.

Future goal

An assessment will be done on recreational programs and recreational facilities for the next 25 years. This process will target future delivery of high recreation service and will ensure that it is done appropriately to include all racial group. The plan will engage local community groups that advocate for racial equity. The community organisations will be assisted where they are unable to address equity issues.

The results will be that recreational parks will serve the whole community regardless of their racial affiliation and the class (Kellogg & Nelson, 2016). There will be an assessment of the proportion of various racial groups using the parks, a process that will be done through listening sessions and evaluations by the community organisations on the programming given demographics of people using the service.


There is need for policy makers to come up with strategies that will increase access to parks and recreational facilities especially the low-income neighbourhoods and people of colour. This plan will ensure that racial equity is achieved in utilising recreational parks.







Kellogg M., Nelson J. (2016).Racial Equity in Parks and Recreation.2-3

Bullock, C. S., & Rodgers, H. R. (1975). Racial equality in America: In search of an unfulfilled goal. Pacific Palisades, Calif: Goodyear Pub. Co.p.31

Wolcott, V. W. (2012). Race, riots, and roller coasters: The struggle over segregated recreation in America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.6-11

Brianna D. (2016).Planning the next generation of park recreation centres. Camden Community News. Retrieved from:



724 Words  2 Pages
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