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The Relationship between Gender Inequality and Global Warming by the help of a specific project

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Paper Instructions:

The Relationship between Gender Inequality and Global Warming by the help of a specific project

The paper should at least be 3,500 words long (excl. bibliography)
I have chosen the project Gender in adaptation and low carbon development (Bangladesh and the Pacific) by GenderCC - Women for Climate

The paper should start with a justification for the choice of topic and the programme (why important and relevant)
The next part of the paper should explain and discuss issues related to the chosen topic.
In the following section you need to explain the microfinance/rural development/education/gender situation in the developing country you have chosen (Bangladesh). Look for relevant data to support your writing. 
In the last part you give a brief description of the chosen NGO or Social Enterprise programme and you critically assess (both positive and negative) its contribution to the microfinance/rural development/education/gender challenges it aims to address within the country.
The paper should end with a conclusion and propose useful and feasible recommendations based on the previous analysis and discussion.

26 Words  1 Pages
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