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Race and Wealth Inequality

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Read this article carefully and answer the following questions:

If you use any outside sources to help you answer the questions you must provide the URL.

What was the fair housing act? Why are issues and the history around housing so important to understanding racial inequality in the US.

What is Black Lives Matter? How is it related to earlier social movements for racial equality?

According to the author of this piece, why has BLM achieved so much popularity recently?

What are some forms of social control that have been used to contain and punish African Americans in the past and present?

According to the article, what was the original source and reason for the development of racist ideologies in the United States?

How has the US government promoted and insured that Black Americans would remain economically disenfranchised in the past?

Why, according to the author, do we need to address economic inequality in order to achieve racial equality? What evidence does the author present to make this point? What do you think?

188 Words  1 Pages
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