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Congratulations! You were selected to move on to the interviews for your dream job in Unit 2. For this stage in the application process, you must create a hypothetical case study for a child and family and document your initial biopsychosocial assessment.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Child and Family Case Study

Congratulations! You were selected to move on to the interviews for your dream job in Unit 2. For this stage in the application process, you must create a hypothetical case study for a child and family and document your initial biopsychosocial assessment. In this scenario, you may decide whom the child is living with (such as biological parents, a single parent, a grandparent, another family member, or a foster parent).

For this assignment, please respond to the following:

Subjective and Objective Information

Describe the client demographics (age, sex, gender, race or ethnicity, family composition and history, living situation), reason for referral, presenting problem(s) and a brief description of the agency setting (objective information).
Provide client comments.
For example, child, mother, father, or sister (names) reports or states the following: (subjective information)
Systems Theory Assessment

Analyze how the child in your scenario is impacted from a nature versus nurture standpoint.
Using the ecosystems theory and the person-in-environment framework, please fully explain the presenting problem(s) of the child and the family.
According to multiple systems in the human environment, examine the influences present in the child’s micro, mezzo, and macro system.
Analyze how the child in your scenario is impacted from ecosystems theory.
How do social environment and various systems influence the child’s behavior?
Include positive and negative system influences such as church, school, peers, family members, neighbors, culture, community services, and the media.

What are your recommendations and intervention strategies for this child and family?
Ethics, Values, and Self-Care Strategies

What challenges could working with this child and family pose for you as a human service professional?
What personal values or self-bias could potentially impact your ability to work effectively with this child and family?
What ethical dilemmas could present themselves in this case study?
What self-care strategies would you practice to respond to the ethical dilemmas, conflicting values, and self-bias?
Assignment Guidelines

Your Assignment should be a 4-6 page expository essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:

Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and section number, and date
Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs, using the provided headings as a guideline in your paper
Your responses should reflect professional writing standards using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and reflect knowledge of human service theories.
Reference page: Sources in APA format
Include a minimum of four scholarly, academic sources, with one of these references being the textbook.
Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, and left aligned
Use standard 1" margins on all sides
Use APA Formatting and Citation style

Please read the following chapter in your text:  Woodside, M. R., & McClam, T. (2018). An introduction to human services. Cengage Learning.

Chapter 4: “Human Services and Ethical Practice”

Chapter 4 will discuss ethical practice and decision making in human services and will examine specific skills needed to address ethical dilemmas and make ethical decisions with diverse populations.

Web Resources

Visit the link below for information on ethics in the human services field:

National Organization for Human Services: Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. Retrieved from

549 Words  1 Pages
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