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Imagine you are a human service professional bound by general ethical principles, but also by the agency policies of your employer. Your agency only provides career assistance; all other assistance is a referral to other resources.

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Paper Instructions:

Imagine you are a human service professional bound by general ethical principles, but also by the agency policies of your employer. Your agency only provides career assistance; all other assistance is a referral to other resources. The client is in a situation where they cannot afford clothes for interviews, and your agency provides no monetary assistance. Other options have been exhausted, and you are contemplating paying for an outfit yourself because this client is sincerely trying to become self-sufficient.

Utilize the four assumptions of Kitchener’s model of ethical decision-making and, following a National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) ethical principle, arrive at a rationale for paying or not paying for an outfit for the client.

126 Words  1 Pages
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