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Explain whether you demonstrated social work practice skills throughout your field education experience, including a description of each social work practice skill and the measure(s) provided in the final evaluation.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Explain whether you demonstrated social work practice skills throughout your field education experience, including a description of each social work practice skill and the measure(s) provided in the final evaluation.
Explain how participation in your field education course might help you prepare for a career in social work.
Describe potential areas where you might need improvement in relation to social work practice skills.
Explain how you might address those areas as you continue to develop as a professional social worker.
Explain how you have grown as a professional during this process.
Propose personal action plans that you can continue into your professional career.
Be sure to submit the results of your evaluation to this Assignment.

126 Words  1 Pages
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