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Choose 3 departments in your facility, and describe the specific needs that they have requested that will help enhance their work after implementation of the electronic health record (EHR).Discuss what training will need to be done prior to implementation

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

*Key Assignment Final Draft

Add the following information to your Key Assignment from the Unit 4 Individual Project to create your final draft: Write 4 pages

Choose 3 departments in your facility, and describe the specific needs that they have requested that will help enhance their work after implementation of the electronic health record (EHR).Discuss what training will need to be done prior to implementation. What type of vendor support and vendor maintenance will you need after implementation? How long will this be needed? Write 5 questions that your facility can ask about the product the vendor will present to you as you start your vendor interviews and selection process.

APA references must be present for all sources used.

Assignment Objectives

Conduct a needs analysis from the identification of the problem or opportunity through the steps associated with the implementation of the selected solution.

156 Words  1 Pages
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