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case study ‘Ellen Zane: Leading Change at Tufts/NEMC

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Paper Instructions:

Your second course project assignment is due at the end of Unit 7. After reviewing the case study ‘Ellen Zane: Leading Change at Tufts/NEMC," complete the following:

Analyze how the organization used structures and systems to deal with environmental uncertainty and complexity.
Identify which types of power were at play within the organization.
Describe how the various stakeholders and departments were impacted.
Discuss how the change disrupted the psychological contract that existed in the organization.
Identify the various conflicts and resistance to change.
Determine whether the change is programmatic, discontinuous, or emergent.
Review pages 319–324 of your Organizational Change text regarding communication and the impact on the change management plan. Analyze Ellen Zane's communication practices throughout the change management process and synthesize the best practices outlined in the text. Was her communication strategy effective?
Assignment Requirements

Written Communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA Formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to APA style and formatting.
Font and Font Size: Arial, 12-point, double-spaced. Use Microsoft Word.
Number of Resources: 3–5 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.
Length: 6–8 pages.

198 Words  1 Pages
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