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Thinking about the Pilot Program Proposal you are developing, Please answer the following Questions 1-4 as if you were preparing to launch your program

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Thinking about the Pilot  Program Proposal you are developing, Please answer the following Questions 1-4 as if you were preparing to launch your program
    The project will target specifically African American adult men over the age of 55 with stroke problem in the Bronx. The program will be located at Montefiore Medical Centre in the Bronx New York. This target population is based on the fact that over three-quarters of stroke cases in the United States is experienced by individuals over the age of 65. At the same time, African Americans are more prone to stroke cases, as compared to another ethnicity. Over 6,000 individuals die of a stroke in New York State each year. 
1. What personnel will be needed to carry out the program? List the individuals and duties to be carried out.
2. What curriculum or educational materials will you use in your program? Why did you select it or them?
3. What kind of space allocations will your program require? How will you obtain this space? How much do you think it will cost?
4. What equipment and supplies do you anticipate using? How will you obtain them?

204 Words  1 Pages
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