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Childhood obesity continues to be a rising concern in today's society. It is important to look at what can be done to prevent it rather than who is to blame. By educating parents on the dangers of obesity and on a healthy diet for children, the rates of o

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Paper Instructions:

Instructions from the instructor: Identify a problem that relates to either food or fitness thing you'd like to see solved then conduct research about the problem and possible solutions for it from this research devise a clear bold significant an arguable thesis statement that proposes a specific solution to this problem the final draft of essay one should be 45 pages long it's thesis statement needs to be supported by at least 3 peer reviewed sources from the school library. The paper needs to consist of original work and be formatted according to MLA style. I have chosen to write about childhood obesity. This is my thesis statement: Childhood obesity continues to be a rising concern in today's society. It is important to look at what can be done to prevent it rather than who is to blame. By educating parents on the dangers of obesity and on a healthy diet for children, the rates of obesity can be significantly lowered. This essay should be centered around the solution that the parents can better educate themselves and incorporate things like weekly meal planning or an outdoors day. Those are just examples. Each body paragraph should talk about something parents can do to help. And each body paragraph should include a citation from a different source from the database. I have already selected the sources to be used. I will attach them below. 

243 Words  1 Pages
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