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Imagine your health care organization conducted an employee engagement survey and received the results.

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Resource: Employee Engagement Survey Results

Imagine your health care organization conducted an employee engagement survey and received the results.

Create a 3- to 4-page (Word Document) annual Action Work Plan. Your plan should:

Define SMART goals, objectives, and strategies.
Identify desired results.
Define how success will be measured.
Identify, analyze, and delegate tasks.
List the tactics that will be used.
Create a timeline of events.
List expenses and create a budget.

Your plan is not limited to the above list.

Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment. Textbooks and websites will not meet this requirement. Please take a look at databases such as ProQuest as an example. 

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

130 Words  1 Pages
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