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This assignment involves a combination of research on leisure and introspection on your personal definition of leisure. You are to research the ways in which leisure is defined in the literature using at least 3 outside sources

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Paper Instructions:

This assignment involves a combination of research on leisure and introspection on your personal definition of leisure. You are to research the ways in which leisure is defined in the literature using at least 3 outside sources.  DO NOT use definitions from our textbook, Perspectives on Leisure, as they do not count as an outside source; also DO NOT use references from dictionaries or Wiki's - points will be deducted for doing so.  Analyze these definitions in relation to your personal definition of leisure. You are limited to 1 reference from the Internet - the other 2 must come from books written by academics. Discuss your relationship with leisure using the definitions you selected as your frame of reference. This research and analysis will serve as a basis for additional learning throughout the semester. APA format required.  

My note: Don't worry about how leisure is defined in the book just take a best guess. It's not important in the scope of this paper but more about how it relates to you

182 Words  1 Pages
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