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What’s the difference between a tsunami and a tidal wave?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Case Study to read uploaded
rubric to follow uploaded
Questions to answer are listed below, this should be written in APA format and at the end of the questions please write a summary of the answers.

1.    What’s the difference between a tsunami and a tidal wave?

2.    Give three examples of how you would lead when preparations are insufficient and when core values are threatened? How would you respond to unanticipated situations when time is of the essence, and planned approaches don’t work?

3.    “Reputations are made or lost in crises” is a core observation from almost all major past disasters. Please give three examples in the recent history of natural or human generated disasters where this was a particular outcome.

4.    How might the nuclear reactor disaster have been prevented or repaired more quickly with proper planning and tools and more effective media relations? What is the meaning of the word “Tomodachi”?

5.    What preparedness activities mitigated the impact of the earthquake and tsunami?

6.    What environmental controls were destroyed and what was the impact on the community?

7.    What activities did public health do to help restore environmental controls?

8.    How did the Japanese people respond?

210 Words  1 Pages
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