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Disseminated intravascular coagulation

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Disseminated intravascular coagulation:
Adult-gerontology patients often present with signs and symptoms that may differ in subtle or in significant ways from non-adult-gerontology patients when they are injured or develop an illness or disease.
Select a complex blood disorder or hematology: I choose Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Provide a 1,250-word essay inclusive of the following:
1.    In what ways does an adult-gerontology patient typically present with this condition or disease that is different from how other patient populations might present? How and why is this significant?
2.    What is the pathology of the altered presentation for the condition or disease you selected? How and in what ways might this differ than how it presents in a non-adult-gerontology patient?
3.    What other comorbidities could impact treatment and care options for this condition. What alterations in treatment and care would apply due to comorbid factors?
4.    What considerations must the acute care nurse practitioner adhere to in the management and treatment of the condition or disease process due to the fact that the patient is an adult-gerontology patient? Note any essential precautions or care delivery requirements that apply.
5.    What type(s) of education would you provide to the affected patient in order to prevent these injury, illness, and diseases from occurring again? How will you deliver this information to the patient?
Answer the questions and support your management plan with a minimum of three peer-reviewed references in addition to the course materials. Apa style 6th Ed. writing required.
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269 Words  1 Pages
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