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Money and transmission of bacteria

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Please use this article:

•Your title needs to elude to the scope of your project. Do not just write “Bio 211 Project”. 

•Background of your topic: Describes our current knowledge about the topic by referencing a study or two from the primaryliterature.  
•Significance or importance of your research and motivation for your experiment. The motivation for conducting the research is made clear by relating what we know to a new question that should advance our understanding about the topic.
•Statement of problem and goals of your project.
•Question and Hypothesis: What is the question you want to ask and what specifically is your hypothesis. 

•General approach: 
•Specific approach: 
•What is the sample size?Where will the project be conducted? What are the independent and dependent variables? What variables will be controlled?•Materials needed
•How will you record your data. What will your table look like?
•What statistics will you use to analyze your results.

•Site paper

5. Screenshot of the first page of cited reference

I have provided examples of previous students' work.

195 Words  1 Pages
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