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Health policy analysis

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Paper Instructions:

You will write a two-page policy brief on the issue you are researching for your final project. This paper must be uploaded on the assignment You are employed as a health policy analyst in the state Department of Health (this should be the same state that you are using for the final project). The Governor or other federal/state representative (please identify them as R, D or I/other) requested an analysis of the various options available to help communities better prepare their public health and private health care system for your portfolio project’s issue. The policymaker is willing to entertain a wide range of ideas but is unclear where changes in policy should be made. Please take into consideration the political environment, ideological leanings, and state and/or federal budgetary constraints and its leadership when creating your response. You are to prepare a two page brief containing: · identify the state (with appropriate background) and your position/organization · clearly state the problem · identify your stakeholders and discuss history of and potential for collaboration to address issue · Identification and justification of criteria for comparing your options · Identification and justification of options · Compare potential 3-5 policy options in a side-by-side table · Your recommendation and justification. • Provide 5-10 references for your paper.

224 Words  1 Pages
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