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You have been placed in charge of all health information management systems and the EHR for a brand new hospital opening in Ferndale. Your task is to set-up a comprehensive health information system.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

You have been placed in charge of all health information management systems and the EHR for a brand new hospital opening in Ferndale. Your task is to set-up a comprehensive health information system. The system you create is vital to the organization′s success and the hospital president is counting on your to do a great job. Elements of the new medical information system and EHR must address, at a minimum, each of the following: --Uses of the EHR - patient care, administrative, billing, and research -- Documentation guidelines - who (be specific) and how documentation is entered into the record. Also cover how authentication will occur and how compliance with authentication is monitored. -- How you will ensure data is secure from intentional hacking, human errors, natural disasters, and equipment/software failures

140 Words  1 Pages
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