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Crohn′s Disease increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other coronary events because homocysteine can damage the endothelial lining of blood vessels over time

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Hypothesis statement: ″ Crohn′s Disease increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other coronary events because homocysteine can damage the endothelial lining of blood vessels over time.″ This paper is for Physiology I, freshmen in College and to be written on a physiological sense. This paper is to be written in the APA style, 8 pages which does not include reference page. I will include the references to use but you can use others that you find. One of the pages must include a meta-analysis graph with explanation of a graph from a cited source. Please make sure the graph can be transferred to a poster. One of the references is a meta-analysis which you can use for the graph if desired. Must include a focused literature review. Please use citations within the text. Do not be afraid to use direct quotes from Scientists and Doctors as long as cited. This will be made into a poster so needs to be on time. You can also include current and future treatments, if any. But the most important is the physiological action of Crohn′s on the heart. 

197 Words  1 Pages
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