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Outlining the use of psychotherapeutic intervention (Mindfulness, Neurosciince, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. strategies with a client from Hospice OR for a predetermined population health group

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Outlining the use of psychotherapeutic intervention (Mindfulness, Neurosciince, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. strategies with a client from Hospice OR for a predetermined population health group. The paper will reference specific biopsychosocial assessment strategies for the client or population health group. Students must use empirical research in discussing the client’s systems and/or the population health group. The second half of the paper will contain the outline of therapeutic techniques used with a specific client or a specific population health group. Students will support this discussion with empirical research. Students must demonstrate how progress and evaluation would be measured using a single-subject design research method.

115 Words  1 Pages
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