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Independent variables represent 'inputs' and can have any value. Dependent variables represent 'outputs' or 'effects.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

As a team, Write a 200-word paper that answers each questions that is outlined in the Questions to Prompt Critical Thinking document (located to the right) using the APPROVED article selected from your team Week 2 - Annotated Bibliography Assignment.
4.    Study the variables.

a.    What are the independent and dependent study variables?

Independent variables represent 'inputs' and can have any value. Dependent variables 
represent 'outputs' or 'effects.'

Example: The study collected data that observed changes in the number of people becoming 
infected by the Ebola virus by varying amounts of education/awareness being facilitated by 
the American Red Cross. The amount of attention given by the American Red Cross is an 
independent variable while the number of people who were or were not infected after public 
awareness efforts is a dependent variable. 

Sun, J. K., Kim, E. S., & Smith, J. (2017). Positive self-perceptions of aging and lower rate of overnight hospitalization in the US population over age 50. Psychosomatic Medicine, 79(1), 81-90. doi:10.1097/PSY.0000000000000364 

This reading found in the University of Phoenix library talks about the proper Health needs of the aging population that was conducted by the health and retirement studyor the HRS. “Fifty-six percent of respondents reported no hospital stays over the 4-year follow-up period.” (Sun, J. K., Kim, E. S., & Smith, J. 2017) It explained the experience that older people have in healthcare in the accommodations that are being made in order to prolong the life of an older person. Bringing out awareness of the rising cost of healthcare and chronic disease prevention will improve the quality of Healthcare in elderly people. 

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines (Title Page, References Page, Headings, In-text citations, etc.).  Also use the Grading Rubric for this assignment (provided to the right) as a guide for formatting.

Cite and Reference all sources use'd to support your paper.

323 Words  1 Pages
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