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Effect of the autism on child development

  • Effect of the autism on child development
  • Abstract
  •             This research proposal will help to explain some of the social effect of autism has on the development child. In addition this research will also help to indentify the some of the intervention measure that can be used to address the children facing autism. One of the major significance of the research is that it will help to improve the knowledge on the parents with the children suffering autism. Another major significance of the study is that it will help to present some of the intervention measure that can be used to address the condition. This study will use the quantitative survey to establish the social effect of the condition in the development of the child. In this case the parents and the principals of schools who are involved in the caring for these children will be interviewed. The data collected will later be analyzed and the finding will help to inform people on the various social effect of the autism on the child development.
  • Introduction
  •             Autism refers to a complex condition that normally affects the norm brain and affects the development of a normal person (Turner, 2011). The condition is known to affect the lower brain, which is responsible for the child balance and coordination. Children with these conditions often have difficult in communication and social interaction (Gulec-Aslan, 2012). In addition the condition may also lead to unusual attachment to objects. In this research proposal my main goal it to explore the effect of the autism in the social and the physical development of the child. The study of autism is an important aspect in the today world since every child has the insight, purpose contributions in the society. This implies that through carrying out this research it will help to contribute to the available knowledge on the effect of autism on the child development. Most importantly the research will help to propose some of the ways that can be adopted to ensure that the children with autism are not deprived their social development rights in the society. It is important to note that there have been various researches carried out on the effect of the autism on the child development. However in this case little research has been done on the social effect on the child development.
  • Background
  •             According Tychelen the molecular basis of autism is incompletely understood (Wall, 2012). Among the patient with autism an excess maternal duplications and other chromosomal abnormalities has been observed. Another theory proposes that autism arises from the assumption that there occurs a defect in the brain development in the early stages of life which is essential pathway in the for language accusation, self-awareness and the brain capacity for the complex information processing (Mayes, et el 2009). This therefore implies that the development of autisms develops mainly as result of the failure of the neurological development. Three main characteristics are used to determine autism in the disorder in the children by the age three. The first major characteristic of the disorder is the reduction in the social interaction. In this case the children suffering from this condition are usually find it difficult to interact with other kid and therefore in most case they remain socially excluded. Second most of the children affected by the condition also have difficult in the verbal and non-verbal communication. In addition these children also exhibit a kind of repetitive behavior and interest in their performance of the daily activities. Studies in America indicate that over 1.5 million children are affected by the conditions and out of which over 100,000 are school aged (Turner, 2012).
  •             According to Rieske, et el 2012 the social impairment is arguably the most defining effect of the autism in the child development. In relation to this the children who suffer autism do not have the need for social interaction and in most cases they prefer to be alone. Most of these children do not understand the various social rules that govern how people need to act in different situations (Mayes, et el 2009). The child with autism in most cases is unaware of what other people really feel. Individuals with autism are often seemed disinterested in the social world around them. In this case the some researchers observed significance few social and joint attention behaviors in one-year-old children with autism.  
  •             Most of the children with autism have a language disorder. In relation to this these children also face problems related to the use of gesture especially pointing thing, making eye contact or even show expression in their face (Solomon, 2012). Studies indicate that most of the children seem to be deaf since they do not respond or react to any type of sound near them. In addition it has also been established that the children with autism do not have the necessary social skills they need in order tom interact with other children.
  • Research question
  •             There has been a considerable increase in the number of children suffering from autism. This increase in the number of the children with autism in turn calls for more research to be undertaken to ensure that these children are provided with best care and support. In addition, very few researches have been done on the social effects of autism on the child development. This research will therefore help to provide some of the answer to the social problems that these children face.
  • Summary of the hypothesis
  •             The research will try to investigate the hypothesis that the autism has little or no effect on the child development and that there are no establish measures that can help these children. In order to validate this hypothesis the research will try to evaluate some of the social effect autism has on the child development. In addition the research will also try to analyze the possible intervention measures
  • Proposed research
  • Aim of the study
  1. This research will aim at exploring the effect of autism on the social development of a child
  2. Establish some of the social problems facing the children with autism
  3. Establish the already available intervention mechanisms to help deal with social problems faced by these children.
  4. In addition the research will also aim at proposing the possible ways of helping the child with autism to deal with problem related to their social development.
  •             In order to achieve these aims the quantitative data will be collected will be collected using two different survey. In the first case the questionnaire will be sent to the principals of the schools, which provide care support to the children suffering from autism. This will help to establish the social effect of autism on the child development. The second survey will carried in the homes where the parent have a child with autism. The second survey will help to establish the problems social problem that the children with autism have in the home setting. In addition the second survey will help, to establish whether the parents are aware of the various intervention measures that can help to deal with the social problems faced by these children.  
  • Justification of the study
  •             There has been an increase in the preference rate among the children 6-17years according to the data realized by the centre for disease and control in USA (Hammond, 2007). This increase in the number of children with this condition calls for research to be carried on the causes and the effect of the disease on the development of the children. In this case therefore this research will help to add the knowledge on the social effects of the diseases on the child development. This research paper will help to equip the parent who have children with autism with knowledge on the how to care for these children.
  • Research design
  • Specific aim1: exploring the effect of autism on the social development of a child
  • Experiment details
  •             In order to accomplish this objective comparison between the normal children and those suffering autism will be made to establish whether there is a different in the development. This study will involve 70 families that have children with autisms aged between the ages of 5-12. In addition the study will also involve 50 normal children. Both study groups will be selected randomly to ensure that the data collected is as independent as possible. Some of the aspects that will be investigated in the study include the ability of the child to start forming relationship. The ability to recognize the emotion of other children will also be investigated. In addition, the ability of the child to indicate the preference of social aspects in the society such as church attendance will also be investigated. The end measure of this experiment will tend to establish whether there is a considerable difference between the social developments of a child facing autism.
  • Major techniques
  •             The quantitative survey technique will be used to establish the difference in the socials development between the normal and the child facing autism. In this case the questionnaire will be given to the parents caring for the two groups children involved in the study. Use of the questionnaire will allow large amount of data to be collected from an individual. Data collected using the questionnaires can also be easily analyzed using the scientific data analyses techniques. In addition the method is also in expensive since it does not require a trained interviewer to carry out the data collection. This therefore implies that the use of the method will allow the incorporation of other people in the data collection method. However one the major limitation of the method is the fact that a person may be required to fill in the questionnaire for the very young children or those suffering autism and are unable to write.
  • Expected result
  • After the analyses of the data collected the most possible expected result is that out of the 70 child investigated on the effect of autism social development, it is evident that most of these children will have retarded social development. In this case the children with autism are expected to have a low tendency of forming relationships. Children with autism will also show inability to express feelings to their peers. In addition these children will also show a considerable low preference toward their certain social aspects in the society. However, for the case of the normal children their social development is expected to take the normal course. This therefore implies that the social development of the normal children will not show any significance difference with the social growth aspects projected in the literature.
  • Specific aim: 2 establish the social problems faced by the children facing
  • Experimental details
  •             In order to accomplish this objective a survey will be conducted on 5 schools that provide care to the children affected with autism. In this case the principal of these schools will be interviewed to provide information on some of the social problems that the children are facing in their respective schools. Furthermore I will still visits these schools and observe some of the social problems that these children face. In addition the data collected from on the investigation of the effect of the autism on the social development of the child will also be linked to provide a clear picture on the second objective. Aspects that will be investigated to show the social problems faced by these child include the number of the friends that the child has. The general mood of the child of the will also be investigated. This is to help establish whether the condition affects the normal mood of the child since it also has an effect on the social interactions of the child.
  • Major techniques
  •             The quantitative survey technique like the one used to investigate the social effect of autism on the child development will also be used. In this case the principal of school, which provides care to children with autism, will be expected to fill questionnaire on the possible social problems that these children face in the school setting. In addition, to this method I will also use the observation method to record the record some of observable social problems affecting these children. Use of the direct of the observation method will help in collecting of the first hand information. Moreover, the use of the observation method will help to supplement the data collected from the questionnaire.
  • Excepted results
  •             Autism is known to affect the ability of the child to communicate interact with other children. The inability of the child to have an effective communication strategy in turn forms the basis of the social problems (Rogers, & Dawson, 2010). This is implies that one of the possible expected result is that most of these children are unable to form relationships and ending up being isolated from the rest of the members of the society. Another expectation is that they are likely to experience low engagement by other members of the society. In addition, these children are also prone to facing peer victimization in the society.
  • Future research
  •             Due to the rapid in increase in the number of child born showing the signs of autism the first research that can be proposed in this case, is on the establishing the exact cause of autism. Establishing the exact cause of the disease can help in developing a vaccine that can be used to prevent the autism.
  • References
  • Gulec-Aslan, Y., Ozbey, F., & Yassibas, U. (2012). "I Have Lived an Autism Experience.             Autism is an Interesting Disease": The Life Story of a Young Man with Autism.             International Education Studies, 6(1), 74-84
  • Hammond, N. T. (2007). The effects of contingently imitating play actions of children with utism.
  • Mayes, S., Calhoun, S. L., Murray, M. J., Morrow, J. D., Yurich, K. L., Mahr, F., & ... Petersen,   C. (2009). Comparison of Scores on the Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder,       Childhood Autism Rating Scale, and Gilliam Asperger’s Disorder Scale for Children with             Low Functioning Autism, High Functioning Autism, Asperger’s Disorder, ADHD, and..    Journal Of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 39(12), 1682-1693
  • Rieske, R., Matson, J., May, A., & Kozlowski, A. (2012). Anxiety in Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders: Significant Differences and the Moderating    Effects of Social Impairments. Journal Of Developmental & Physical Disabilities, 24(2),           167-180.
  • Rogers, S. J., & Dawson, G. (2010). Early Start Denver Model for young children with autism:      Promoting             language, learning, and engagement. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Solomon, A. H., & Chung, B. (2012). Understanding Autism: How Family Therapists Can           Support Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Family Process, 51(2), 250-264.
  • Turner, T., Pihur, V., & Chakravarti, A. (2011). Quantifying and Modeling Birth Order Effects    in Autism. Plos ONE, 6(10), 1-11.
  • Wall, D. P., Dally, R., Luyster, R., Jae-Yoon, J., Deluca, T. F., & rogers, S. (2012). Use of            Artificial Intelligence to Shorten the Behavioral Diagnosis of Autism. Plos ONE, 7(8), 1-     8
2460 Words  8 Pages
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