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Explain the type(s) of evaluation being proposed in your Applied Project (i.e., outcome or impact) and why this evaluation type is the most appropriate for your proposed community health intervention.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Develop Section 3b (1–2 pages) of your Applied Project, which addresses the following:
1.    Explain the type(s) of evaluation being proposed in your Applied Project (i.e., outcome or impact) and why this evaluation type is the most appropriate for your proposed community health intervention. 
2.    Explain any ethical issues inherent in your methodology, and describe any formative, process, outcome and/or impact evaluation methods to be used.
3.    Explain how the evaluation is aligned to project and program outcomes.
4.    Complete the Program Outcomes Mapping Form in the Learning Resources.

98 Words  1 Pages
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