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Topic: Perspectives of Aging Reflection

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Paper Instructions;

There are many stereotypes about the elderly, and we see older adults portrayed on television, in movies, and in advertisements. We read about older adults in books, hear about them in jokes, and see how they are depicted in birthday cards. Much of what we know, or think we may know, comes from these sources, and they may not be entirely accurate.
Research three types of media, either electronic or print, that depict an older adult. You may look at television, movies, greeting cards, or newspapers as a few examples. Look for stereotypes in the media and how the older adult is portrayed.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word reflection on your findings.
Include an explanation of ageism and how misconceptions and misinformation play a role in it.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

145 Words  1 Pages
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