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You are the governor of a mid sized industrial state. and have decided that you want to make reforms to the health care and services delivery systems in your state to increase awareness of lifestyle on heath and access to care for vulnerable populations.

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer

You are the governor of a mid sized industrial state. and have decided that you want to make reforms to the health care and services delivery systems in your state to increase awareness of lifestyle on heath and access to care for vulnerable populations. How would you proceed?

1. Who would you choose to serve on your task force for this endeavor? 
2. Who are the stakeholders?
3. How would you obtain their input but limit inappropriate influence?
4. Which of the various barriers are likely the most important to overcome in your state? A weak safety net? Poor provider performance? Cultural or language barriers? Education?
5. What is the realistic range of solutions/reforms that might be considered? Consider both the medical model and the population model
6. What is the likelihood of meaningful reform and over what time frame? 

149 Words  1 Pages
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