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Thinking about Retirement

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Thinking about Retirement

Think about your own retirement. In a 5 paragraph essay of at least 500 words, answer some or all of these questions:

Do you expect to retire at a certain age? ( retired two years ago from the military) How much preplanning will you need to do? Do you expect to retire to a life of leisure, volunteer activity, new career, and so on? Where will you live—same family home, retirement community, part of the year in the north and part in a southern resort? Do you expect to be active grandparents/great-grandparents or somewhat disengaged from your offsprings’ families? What are your overall impressions of retirement—is it positive, neutral, or negative? Why? Use at least 2 references to support your assumptions.  Your references need to relate to concepts learned about retirement and must be scholarly/academic in nature.  Use of .com websites is not appropriate.

154 Words  1 Pages
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