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It has been said that in nations seeking to reduce their population growth rate, a combination of sustainable economic development and improved educational and socio-economic opportunities for women are the best ‘contraceptives’.

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Paper Instructions:

It has been said that in nations seeking to reduce their population growth rate, a combination of sustainable economic development and improved educational and socio-economic opportunities for women are the best ‘contraceptives’.

What roles do these two opportunities play in reducing population growth in those nations today?  Cite specific scientific, demographic, socioeconomic and geopolitical evidence from one nation that is working to reduce its population growth rate where these two strategies have worked / are working.

Be sure to back up your response with some research before discussing this topic online with your classmates. Be sure to read relevant sections of your text and look online.  

After posting, be sure to respond to at least one classmates' post.

127 Words  1 Pages
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