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Affordable Health Care Act policy or law.

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

The essay or project tasks are described below:
1) Define, explain and describe the Affordable Health Care Act policy or law. 
2)Describe and explain the history of the policy or law. Include:
- An overview of the process of policy making or law making 
- The steps that led to this policy becoming a law 
- The stakeholders and groups that were key to the creation and passage of your selected policy. 
3) Research and explain the impact the law has on the following areas of the healthcare system:
o    Financial 
o    Sociocultural 
o    Political 
o    Staffing 
4) Research and explain the impact the law has on the following areas as related to medical laboratory field: 
o    Financial 
o    Sociocultural 
o    Political 
o    Staffing 
5) What could be the future direction of ACA. What changes do you foresee? 

147 Words  1 Pages
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