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Choose a topic that really interests you and about which you are curious and want to expand your knowledge. The topic should apply a therapy modality to a specific patient population.

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PMH 800 Critical Thinking PowerPoint Instructions

Requires a minimum of  20-25 slides of content, this does not include title page and references. A minimum of 10 references. Choose a topic that really interests you and about which you are curious and want to expand your knowledge. The topic should apply a therapy modality to a specific patient population.


•    Focus on introducing the topic, including the population/area of focus.
•    What is your question or thesis?
•    Explain/ Define the problem, interest, concern.
•    Example:  How effective is insight therapy for children with a diagnosis of     depression?

•    Examine all aspects of the topic, including historical aspects, where did this mode of therapy come from, did it build on any other type of therapy, who are the major players, etc.
•    Demonstrate your knowledge and grasp of the topic, discuss differing opinions as reflected in research,
•    Discuss any issues and or problems, such as issues with transference, countertransference, boundaries, confidentiality, etc. 
•    Did your research influence /change / support your thesis?
•    Discuss how what you read influenced your thinking on the topic. 
•    Support this by using citations and references.

•    Refer back to the introduction, restate your main idea, identify the next step for this issue. 
•    For instance; is more research needed? 
•    Does Policy need to change? 
•    Do you need more information to reach a conclusion? 
•    If this therapy modality works what will it take to make it more user friendly, more available to patients.
APA naming convention and references in proper format. 
*Citations are used for each quote and for paraphrasing of ideas. APA format is accurately applied, correct use of naming convention and references are appropriate.
10-point deduction for improper APA formatting

312 Words  1 Pages
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