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The Soup Kitchen that Coronavirus Couldn’t Stop


 The Soup Kitchen that Coronavirus Couldn’t Stop

The Soup Kitchen in the Church of Holy Apostles is the largest in the city. It has shown care to the hungry people despite the coronavirus pandemic. This has been their norm for many years and they do it every day and never do they have a holiday. The Soup Kitchen believes that people have to eat no matter the situation and are still serving lunch to hungry people.

The people who help in serving and performing other duties non-epidemic times are often volunteers and most of them are retirees. Currently, the helpers and security are being done by a group of lesser people who include the Soup Kitchen staff and a few volunteers. They observe protective measures such as cleaning their hands regularly, wearing gloves, and practicing “physical distancing” (Frazier 1). The reason they use the term physical instead of social distancing is that what is offered is not just food but are also connecting to people.

           Food donors are still providing the Soup Kitchen with supplies. They also got some leftovers from restaurants that were closing due to the pandemic. The kitchen is still using the leftovers in their menus. It happened too fast that they even received peeled potatoes. Every supply of food they get helps them to feed more people. Because of the loss of jobs, people who go to get food in the Soup Kitchen keep increasing each day (Frazier 1). As a result of this, the economy is getting worse by day and the Soup Kitchen is afraid that donors might stop funding them. “This is a great place”, the staff are happy to serve their guests and would not wish to be anywhere else. They would not want to see their guests fall on the wayside due to a lack of food.

In conclusion, the Soup Kitchen provides hungry people with food even with the existence of the coronavirus. Despite the food, they also feel like it is a way of connecting to people. The food donors provide the soup Kitchen with supplies and this enables them to feed more people. The staff love to serve their guests and call the soup Kitchen a great place.























Works Cited

 Frazier Ian. The Soup Kitchen That the Coronavirus Couldn’t Stop. The New Yorker 6 April 2020. Retrieved from kitchen-that-the-coronavirus-couldn’t-stop



394 Words  1 Pages
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