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The Lives of Children are at a Safer Side When Vaccinated



            There have been several arguments concerning vaccinations where people are claiming that even though the people have been vaccinated, there are still cases of them acquiring the diseases. Others feel that vaccines cause the diseases they prevent. However, this is untrue as vaccines are associated with beneficial facts. This paper is going to discuss on the reasons why vaccination should be emphasized, thereby outlining its benefits. Vaccination is useful as it gives safety to the children they are protected from acquiring the life-threatening conditions. Adherence to the practice enables to save resources that could be used in later life if the child happens to acquire the illnesses. Early childhood vaccination saves lot of time and money. There are reduced cases or morbidity and mortality cases because vaccination has been preventing the occurrence of the diseases that are preventable through vaccines. Vaccines are essential to everyone in that it ensures protection of the peoples’ loved ones. This has been achieved through vaccinating the infants as well as the people who are close to them thus lowering the probability of acquiring and transmitting the diseases. The other benefit of vaccination is that it helps in prevention of diseases through creating immunity in the body. This enables the body systems to be strong and able to fight with viruses.  The vaccines are safe and effective and this is determined by period of stay since the last vaccination, exposure and co morbidity. The last benefit of early vaccination is that it creates a good foundation for the health of the child thus the baby gets protected from opportunistic diseases like meningitis and ear infections. These benefits outline that vaccination is very beneficial as far health is concerned.



            Debate concerning the effectiveness of vaccination has been a major issue among the people of United States. There have been several arguments where people have said that even the vaccinated individuals are acquiring the diseases. It has been possible to eradicate the diseases through maintenance of hygiene and that vaccinations have been resulting into major side effects including high mortality rates. However, vaccination is essential in so many ways. It saves many children from death, it is safe and effective, it protects people who are significant in our lives, it has been enabling to save time and money and it offers protection to the future generation. Vaccination against illnesses like rubella, whooping cough and polio should be compulsory for every child in the United States who is willing to do schooling because these vaccinations are condemnatory in control and doing completely doing away with these life-threatening illnesses.

The Lives of Children are at a Safer Side When Vaccinated.

            Some conditions that arise from cases of lack of immunization lives the victim in desperate life. An example is poliomyelitis. The child is restricted from so many activities because of different body pains. There is also stiffness of the joints and muscle spasms (Seytre, Bernard & Mary, 11). This makes an individual to be exposed to many dangers as they can be hurt during the episodes of the symptoms. There is increased rate of mortality rate where the virus invades the respiratory system causing asphyxia. There are also heart diseases and disability cases associated with the condition. Through vaccination practices, the diseases that are considered to be harmful and might cause deaths of many people are eliminated. Poliomyelitis is an example of such dieses and has been a major threat ion the lives of many. This condition had been a threat in the States of America as it had been a major cause of paralysis.

Protection from Dangers

           Vaccination has been playing an important role in protecting the children from the dangers associated with poliomyelitis. This condition has been contributing to the most cases of mortality in also been a serious cause of the many cases of morbidity across the nation (Strauss, James, & Ellen, 71) It is advisable for people to adopt the vaccination model as it will help in fighting the negative impacts that are being brought by failure of early vaccination. In the United States, polio vaccine has greatly led to positive impacts in that it has been in a position to put the children in the safer side of life. Through the vaccination programs, the state has managed to be a polio-free country. The vaccination will enable every individual to remain safe from dangers arising from the symptoms of the vaccine-preventable diseases. This will also facilitate eradication of the disability and mortality cases associated with the conditions.

Immunization Plays an Important Role in Saving Money, Minutes and Family

            There is too much wastage of money as he child will be requiring importance attendance like the physiotherapy. There will also be money spent in transportation as the children are weak and disabled hence cannot walk on their own. There is stigmatization of the family members and there no sufficient money from treatment thus becomes a burden (Naqvi, et al. n. p).much of time is being spent while trying to take the patients to the rehabilitation centre.  In most cases, the children who are suffering from vaccine-preventable conditions end up been denied so many important aspects of life. For example, the child may be isolated from attending the facilities like schools. Some of the conditions result from lack of immunization. Much time is also wasted at home because the child needs closed monitoring and assistance as they cannot do most of activities on their own. These individuals are weak and most of their time is spent at home. They need assistance in almost everything they do because they are weak. The time that a caretaker spends at home to make sure that the affected patient is stable could rather be used to do some other activities that will contribute in generation of income. If the parenthood taken the initiative of going to the hospital or any health facility where the vaccination services are offered, they could have spent less time. It could have been only some few hours and this could save their in the rest of their lives.

            The victims of lack of immunization mostly end up being disabled for the rest of their lives while others die regardless of the efforts that have been implemented on their welfare. The deaths that have been associated with the cases of lack of immunization have been affecting the family members very much. In United States, there have been high cases of mortality (Strauss, James & Ellen, 71). These have been mostly caused by poor immunity in the bodies of individuals. This later causes deaths of loved ones living the families at desperate state. Through vaccination, there is improved health system and this is usually a great benefit to the family members. The mortality rate has been decreasing as well as the cases of disability which has been contributing towards economic loss and premature deaths. The costs of treatment of the disease that result from lack of immunization plus the resources are high compared to those required to get the vaccination. Vaccination against the conditions therefore is substantial and its also free as it is under the insurance cover. The program has been highly contributing to increased savings as far as medical care is concerned. The program of vaccination is funded by the government hence there is no valid reason as to why children should not get vaccinated as even the very humble backgrounds are in the position to acquire the services. Vaccination plays an important role in protection of the next generation.

            Reduced Cases of Disability and Deaths

            Recently, there have been many cases of mortality which had been associated with the vaccine-preventable diseases. There have also been many disability cases in the United Sates. A disease like smallpox had been a major issue among the children. This condition has affecting any person regardless of age (Herlihy, Stacy & Hagood, 11). This disease had been bringing great fear to many. This is because no known cure had been discovered. What majority of the people had been doing is just watching the infected to see what would happen next. Most of the parts globally had been affected by the diseases and the infants, scientists, peasants, little children, princesses and adults had been vulnerable to acquiring g the disease. The Australians and the American had not been interfered with by the condition until the coming of colonists and explorers during the Columbian era. The area had now become like a graveyard as many deaths had been pronounced in every single moment. This issue had been viewed as too much devastating. As a result, people had been in the urge to look for a cure to be able to control and eradicate the life-threatening condition. The presence of a vaccine for the condition has enabled to fight and eliminate the diseases globally. Today, there are no cases of smallpox hence the children have been protected from getting the disease as eliminated completely. Vaccination against rubella on pregnant women has led to reduced cases of children presenting with the condition as well as eradication of the disabilities that are always associated with the condition. It has also been playing an important role in prevention of the disease spread. This has been discovered in the United States. There is increased probability of survival as a result of early vaccination. Continuity of vaccination of the present conditions affecting the children will be able to reassure the future parents that their kids will not be at risk of acquiring the conditions.

Immunization Protects Significant People

            Proper immunization of both the mother and the child serves an important role in protecting the lives of the infants and the children. Some diseases are able to be transmitted from one person to another like measles the diseases might complicate into severe cases like encephalitis, pan encephalitis and encephalomyelitis (Coughlin, et al. 2). The mortality rate of this disease is usually very high across the world. In the United States, there is still the practice of vaccination for children in the United States for protection against some conditions. The mortality cases associated with vaccine-preventable diseases had been very high. Immunization against these contagious diseases facilitates to reduced cases of the disease and also boosts the immunity of the individual hence they are able to protect their bodies from acquiring the infections

            Whooping cough is yet another example that has been leading to many death cases of the infants. There have been high cases of mortality, morbidity and hospitalization for the young infants due to this condition (Murthy, et al. 3). After the diseases have entered the body system, it might take time for the symptoms to be recognized hence the treatment begins when the illness have already complicated. Through vaccination, the infant is the position to strengthen the immunity thus protecting them from acquiring the virus. Immunization of other members of the family is also essential in protecting the infants from acquiring the transmissions. There have been resurgences of whooping cough and measles for several years in the past. Since the year 2010, cases of whooping cough have been ranging between ten and fifty thousand in every year in United States. Approximately ten to twenty babies have been dying in every year. Majority of the babies have been too small to get vaccination. Others, due to allergic reactions towards the vaccines, they have not been in the position to get them. These two diseases have been emerging mostly in areas where the children are not immunized. The resources used in treatment and care for ill child is high comparing to the less that might have been used to vaccinate. When the mother is vaccinated during pregnancy, the child is usually safe from acquiring the virus as compared to the one who had not been immunized. Full immunization of the mother and the baby is therefore important as it facilitates protection of the family members as well as prevention of the spread of the conditions to loved ones and close friends. This will enable to reduce infancy deaths.

There is a High Rate of Safety, Efficacy and Effectiveness with Vaccination

            Some people have been arguing that vaccines are dangerous to human beings. This is because they pose several side effects on the body. Viewing the benefits of the same, it is clear that many drugs have side effects which just take place for short time before they disappear. The individuals who have been immunized are safer than the ones who have not in case a disease outbreak emerges. For example, a case where there had been an outbreak of measles, 98.1% of the students who had been immunized happened to not acquire the transmission because they had been given at least two doses of measles-mumps-rubella (Cardemil, et al. n. p) it is clear that the advantages of vaccines outweigh the disadvantages. The scientists, professionals of healthcare and doctors have been taking the initiative to carry out very careful review concerning the vaccines. Vaccines just like any other treatments are associated with some side effects. This is not very abnormal as there are expectations of reactions of the body with the drugs but they are just minimal compared to their effectiveness. The vaccine effectiveness is usually proportional to efficacy. The individual might present with pain, tenderness or redness at the injection site but basing the importance of the vaccines in prevention of discomfort, pain and trauma. The effectiveness of the vaccine is determined by several factors including the period one has stayed since they were lastly vaccinated, exposure, co morbidity and age. The vaccinated individuals are the safer side as the rate of transmission is usually low. This is because they already have an immunity hence their bodies are at the position to protect them from infectious diseases as compared to the unimmunized.

Vaccination Plays an Important Role in Prevention of Diseases.

            There have been many people who have been arguing that the vaccines causes emergence of diseases. The vaccines happen to mimic the diseases they are meant to prevent thus giving natural immunity. The fever that comes about due to the presence of the vaccines in the body as they try to adjust with body systems are the ones that have been perceived to be the diseases but this is not true. Introduction of some vaccines have been playing a very important role globally. Pneumococcal vaccine for prevention of pneumonia has seen contributing to reduced cases of the diseases morbidity and hospitalization (Megiddo, Itamar, Eili & Ramanan, 2). These conditions have been a major issue among the children as they are mostly associated with many of the deaths. Most of these conditions have no known cure hence they pose a great threat to the lives of many individuals. A condition like pneumonia affects the respiratory system. The effects interfere with the normal breathing patterns and this causes most of the deaths among the small children. The vaccines therefore play an important role in creating immunity thus protecting them from the disease. It is this immunity that helps the individual to be protected from disease transmissions. This happens when the immunity provides defense mechanism against the infections.

Early Vaccination Creates a Good Foundation for the Health of the Child

            There has been having believes that there is no effect of early vaccination for children. Some had been feeling that the mercury contained in the vaccines would later in life cause the child to develop autism (Milano, Victoria & Sydney, 2). An example is measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. Some believe the increased quantities of vaccine doses exposes the young children and the toddlers into risk of having too much antigens in the body which might lead to complications later on in life. This is not true as the vaccination program has been organized to prevent the vaccine-preventable diseases. These are usually deadly among the young children. Any delay to carry out vaccination practice exposes the children and the young infants to danger of severe clinical features as well as death. The commonest diseases that are life-threatening include measles, whooping cough and diphtheria. Vaccination plays an important role in reducing the vaccine-preventable illnesses like pneumonia. Introduction of pneumococcal vaccine have facilitated deduction in cases of morbidity and mortality rate. There has been reduced hospitalization of children suffering from vaccine-preventable diseases. Vaccination helps to reduce the probability of occurrence of the diseases. The occurrence of the diseases is unpredictable. There is usually a benefit of vaccination as it makes it possible to prevent other opportunistic diseases. For example through pneumococcal vaccination, some conditions like inflammation of the middle ear and meningitis are prevented. The vaccine provides a very important state of body health whereby the individual is safe from acquiring any kind of vaccine-preventable illnesses. Early vaccination is also important to the child as it is highly linked with the school performance. An ill child usually have low intelligent quotient because sometimes the condition might have interfered with the brain altering its normal functioning. It is therefore clear that early vaccination is essential to individuals and there is the need adopt it.


            There have been several arguments concerning vaccinations. People have been claiming that even though the people have been vaccinated, some of them acquire the diseases. This is not true as seen in the paper above, there are been many benefits to the individuals after vaccination. Vaccination is useful as it gives safety to the children they are protected from acquiring the life-threatening conditions. Adherence to the practice enables to save resources that could be used in later life if the child happens to acquire the illnesses. It is clear that early vaccination helps to save time and money. There are also reduced cases or morbidity and mortality cases where vaccination serves a purpose of preventing the occurrence of the diseases thus preventing high cases of deaths that are resulting from vaccine-preventable illnesses. Vaccines are essential to everyone as seen in the argument above in that it ensures protection of the peoples’ loved ones. This has been achieved through vaccinating the infants as well as the people who are close to them thus lowering the probability of acquiring and transmission of diseases. The other benefit of vaccination is that it helps in prevention of diseases and they are safe and effective. The effectiveness of the vaccine is determined by several factors including the period one has stayed since they were lastly vaccinated, exposure, co morbidity and age. Lastly, early vaccination creates a good foundation for the health of the child. Vaccination against illnesses like rubella, whooping cough and polio should be compulsory for every child in the United States who is willing to do schooling because these vaccinations are condemnatory in control and doing completely doing away with these life-threatening illnesses.














Work cited

Cardemil, Cristina V., et al. "Effectiveness of a third dose of MMR vaccine for mumps outbreak   control." New England Journal of Medicine 377.10 (2017): 947-956.

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Milano, Victoria, and Sydney Schneider. "Vaccines: What You Really Need to Know." (2017).

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Strauss, James H, and Ellen G. Strauss. Viruses and Human Disease. Amsterdam: Elsevier /         Academic             Press, 2008. Internet resource.


3355 Words  12 Pages
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