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Major Depressive Disorder


Major Depressive Disorder


Patient x is a 34-year-old man who was divorced two years ago. He was living with his son until last month when the son was hit by a car, and unfortunately, he lost him. Since then, he has been living alone until two weeks ago when he started feeling hopeless and sad almost every day; he feels like he has nothing to live for in this world and even wonders why he always goes to work and get paid, he says money is nothing to him. His co-worker who came with him to the health clinic reports that this has affected him because he cannot even concentrate at work or socialize freely with his colleagues.

    He also reports that he spends most of his free time just sitting outside his house and has no interest in doing anything as opposed to before when he used to do most of his daily activities, he doesn’t understand what is going on in his life at all. The patient also reports that he has lost appetite and previously he was weighing 79 kilograms and the current weight is 72 kilograms which signify weight loss.

    Report from his co-workers shows slow in making decisions. The patients look generally weak which indicates loss of energy, and he reports that he has been feeling this way almost every day. He also claims that he can’t even get some sleep even if he tries to and this has messed his life, and he can't keep on doing struggling forever; thus it is better to commit suicide to forget his useless life that has no future at all, he says this repeatedly. The patient also reports that no one in their family has experienced this before and all clinical observation doesn’t show any other medical condition and there are no signs of substance abuse

309 Words  1 Pages
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