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Stevens District Hospital


Purpose of a strategic plan

  • To provide the path, direction and focus which  Stevens District Hospital will  take in the future  
  • Gain updated knowledge and employ highly qualified professionals
  • Professional development
  • Design pay for performance programs
  • Design wellness program
  • Address the high-deductible problems in the Affordable Care Act
  • Increase recruitment of health care professionals
  • Update facility, establish a quality score system and, hospital renovation
  • Increase technological use and  physician satisfaction to  increase market share
  • Establish new financial model and expand the coverage capabilities
  • Implement care management model (Gulati et al. 2016).

 Speaker notes

 The purpose of the strategic plan in the Stevens District Hospital is to enable the facility to provide quality care to the patients. Given that the facility in a highly competitive market, the strategic plan will support the survival of the facility in the dynamic environment. The hospital should ensure that it meets the healthcare demand, it offers quality services in a cost-effective manner and equitable way. The facility has made a sound reasoning and developed a strategic plan in the areas such as financial stability, health insurance, innovation, recruitment, performance and well-ness programs and training (Gulati et al. 2016).



  • Technology
  • Medicare eligibility
  • Commercial insurance coverage
  • The growth of automotive industry, the growth of employment and insurance benefits
  • Higher market share compared with competitors
  • Comprehensive medical care in three areas, that is, obstetrician, oncologist and non-invasive cardiologist
  • Higher operating revenue
  • Higher operating margin and higher patient satisfaction
  • Low malpractice cases
  • Aggressive management program
  • Financially strong (Gulati et al. 2016).


 Speaker notes; through evaluating the company strength such as higher operating revenue, higher market share, higher patient satisfaction and technology, Stevens District Hospital will maintain its competitive edge and be able to explore more opportunities in meeting the healthcare demand (Gulati et al. 2016).




  • Lack of highly qualified medical staff in orthopedics and oncology
  • Lack of patient scheduling
  • Poor primary care network
  • Lack of critical staff

Speaker note:  the Stevens District Hospital should focus on these weaknesses and offer a solution to them in order to move on. However, lack of primary care network and qualified medical staff will make the facility lag behind and lack the power to operate in the competitive market.



  • The increase of population with chronic illnesses
  • The emergency of secondary and primary competitors
  • The shift of patients to the new emerging facilities
  • Lack of government reimbursement
  • No external funding

 Speaker notes; There is a stumbling block that will hinder the Stevens District Hospital from providing quality services to the population. The health care facility is unable to control the above external components. However, using the strategic plan, the facility should rapidly address these issues such incorporating new technology to compete with the new facilities and recruiting qualifies medical staff to help patients manage their chronic conditions (Gulati et al. 2016).




  • Improving health care services
  • Serving a large population due to the  remarkable community development in Jefferson City
  • Development of  quality standard
  • Good economic condition
  • Expansion of automotive industry,  a higher rate of employment and higher insurance coverage

 Speaker notes; Stevens District Hospital has an opportunity to do better in the midst of other competitors. With the strategic plan of implementing innovation, the good economic environment, the higher rate of employment and insurance coverage, technological development and, community development will provide the facility with an opportunity to meet the demand of higher population and maintain its competitive edge (Gulati et al. 2016).




 The roles of mission and vision statements in the strategic plan

  • communicate the mission and vision of creating a strategic plan
  • The facility should focus on the mission in order to gain a strategic direction
  • Mission and vision have  a positive impact on employees
  • Strategic plan should focus on the organization image portrayed by mission and vision
  • The  strategic plan should adhere to work ethics and cultures
  • The facility should consider the long-term future of the organization
  • Use the mission statement to evaluate the purpose of a strategic plan
  • Evaluate the position of the organization, the capabilities, the core values and models (Gulati et al. 2016).



Speaker note; the strategic plan should align with the mission and vision statements simply because these statements contains the values and expectations of the stakeholders. The statements hold achievable goals and objectives and, organization strategic plan should focus on fulfilling the mission and vision statements. Mission and vision are the cornerstones of any plan and the facility should consider the statements to shape behaviors, understand the current position, the reason for existence, and the future (Gulati et al. 2016).



The role of Radiology Department in increasing business for the hospital

  • Get professional training to accommodate the newly emerging role of radiologists
  • Implement the new technologies and adapt to the changes in order to provide the required medical progress (European Society of Radiology 2009, 2010).


  • Sub-specialist training to gain new knowledge, skills and develop practical experience
  • Rapid development and evolving technology demands specialized knowledge
  • Change the clinical condition by implementing new imaging machines
  • Professional collaboration
  • Conduct further research on radiology topic (European Society of Radiology 2009, 2010)

 Speaker note; since there is a rapid change in the radiology field, radiologists should become competent and comprehensive providers. The radiology department has a big role to play in ensuring that patients receive high-quality services. They should achieve effectiveness and competency through sub-specialization where they will gain knowledge and skills that are demanded by the evolving radiology field (European Society of Radiology 2009, 2010).

 Importance of multiple stakeholders in strategic planning 6

  • Brainstorming ideas and potential solutions
  • Prevents potential issues
  • Effective formulation and implementation of the  strategy
  • Making decisions and develop guidelines
  • Forms a Strategic Control System where multiple stakeholders put the strategies into action, implements the necessary changes and sets strategic controls (Sadeghifar et al. 2015).


 Speaker notes;  in making a strategic plan, stakeholders play a significant role as they act as decision makers and more importantly, they raise ideas in different perspectives where the differing opinions are discussed to arrive to at a conclusion. Since the multiple stakeholders hold a different position in the facility, they present a unique perspective and valuable opinions based on how to run the business.  Through communication, involvement and, understanding the purpose of the strategic plan, the organization is able to achieve the goals (Sadeghifar et al. 2015).


Stakeholders in strategic planning

  • Executive administrator
  • Implements goals of the strategic plan and objectives
  • Supervisors
  • Ensures the organizational members adhere to the established policies and procedures
  • Ensures the strategic plan aligns with patients’ care
  • Creates patient care policies
  • Ensures the strategic plan aligns with the admissions function (Sadeghifar et al. 2015)
  • Matron
  • Provides decision-based on quality care
  • Gives opinions on ways to reduce hospital admissions
  • Board of trustee
  • create key policy,
  • ensures an extensive planning
  • ensure the strategic plan aligns with mission and vision statements (Sadeghifar et al. 2015)
  • Hospital chief
  • Provides hospital-related issues
  • Gives recommended for areas that need improvement
  • Creates decision on insurance coverage
  • Uses his/her research skills and presents qualitative and quantitative analysis during the strategic planning
  • Operational staff
  • Ensures the strategic plan is implemented to support the day-to-day operations (Sadeghifar et al. 2015)


Speaker notes: Effective strategic plan requires stakeholders from managerial and operational levels. The above stakeholders play a significant role not only in making a strategic plan but also in ensuring that the plan is implemented to provide quality care to the patients. The interrelationship benefits the healthcare organization in that the executive administrator creates agendas and allocates resources to achieve the strategic plan. The other stakeholders in operational level ensure that the goals and objectives of the plan are achieved (Sadeghifar et al. 2015).


Purpose of a communication plan in the strategic planning process


  • Provide a message of the on-going development of a strategic plan
  • Provide the stakeholders with opportunities and key decision points
  • Communicate the purpose of the strategic planning process
  • Give the stakeholders an opportunity to give feedback
  • Engage all members in the strategic planning (Gulati et al. 2016).


Speaker notes:  A communication plan is important as it ensures that all members receive the right information based on the strategic plan. The healthcare facility communicates the plan to all levels with a purpose of building awareness, encouraging participation, and ensuring that members are engaged and committed (Gulati et al. 2016).












Gulati, R., Mikhail, O., Morgan, R. O., & Sittig, D. F. (2016). Vision statement quality and organizational

performance in US Hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management61(5), 335-350.


Sadeghifar, J., Jafari, M., Tofighi, S., Ravaghi, H., & Maleki, M. R. (2015). Strategic planning,

implementation, and evaluation processes in hospital systems: A survey from Iran. Global journal

of health science7(2), 56.


European Society of Radiology 2009. (2010). The future role of radiology in healthcare. Insights into

imaging1, 2-11.









































1461 Words  5 Pages
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