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Patient-Centered Care or Teamwork and Collaboration or Evidence-based Practice

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Professional Writing Assignment

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has described five core competencies (CCs) required of health professionals to improve professional practice and patient outcomes (IOM, 2003). Quality and Safety Education for Nurses QSEN has expanded these to include knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) that nurses demonstrate in six areas (Cronenwett, et al., 2007):

Patient-Centered Care
Teamwork and Collaboration
Evidence-based Practice
Quality Improvement
Safety (added by QSEN)

For this writing assignment, you are to focus on one of the CCs:
Describe one of the IOM Core Competencies (CCs), and the impact it has on patient care outcomes.

Research the CC in peer-reviewed, scholarly sources (at least 3 sources in addition to your text) and reflect upon these articles to form an independent opinion of how to best improve patient outcomes by increasing awareness of the CCs you have chosen.

Describe three ways in which you can positively impact your clinical practice and patient care outcomes with your chosen CCs.

Think about the current challenges in health care delivery and report on potential barriers to implementing the strategies you have suggested.

There are no right or wrong answers, only more or less reflection and research.
Follow APA guidelines for paper format, grammar & language. Cite in-text and list references from scholarly and peer-reviewed sources. Length: 4-6 pages of text (not including the abstract, title page, references, etc).

236 Words  1 Pages
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