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Strengths and weaknesses of my local health care delivery system

Local Health Care Delivery System

Strengths and weaknesses of my local health care delivery system

            The department of Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) is after bringing proper access to primary mental health and it supports general practitioners to provide services people with mental illnesses. This department of health has various strengths and a number of weaknesses. It has attained a favorable geographical spread including in rural areas. It has assisted in facilitating the innovative service models for example introduction of telephone based CBT American Academy of (Orthopaedic Surgeons & In Pollack, 2018). It has also reinforced the development of local teamwork models such as GPs and psychiatrists. The department has also empowered targeting of particular groups for example the homeless people, the refugees and the indigenous population. It has also empowered the development of mental health programs by developing links at local levels for example drought initiatives. It has worked to secure employment in places where fulltime private practice may not be sustained. This department has also been supported nationally by the primary mental health care network.

            The department has also got its areas of weaknesses that need improvement. First and foremost, it is expensive when compared to quality access. It currently does not provide service delivery to the most needy. In urban areas especially, its services are simply duplicating better access services. There are no enough incentives to fund arrangements for efficiency. Quality assurance has been problematic in certain areas when it comes to selection and training of health professionals (Nwaogu, 2006). Therefore, amidst all the strengths and the achievements of ATAPS, it needs to improve in these specified areas of weakness so as to deliver perfectly quality service to the people.


Access to Allied Psychological Services is a department of health that has exposed communities to primary mental health. It has registered various achievement for instance reaching out to the minority such as the homeless, the refugees and it is widely spread in the rural areas. It has also empowered the establishment of various mental health programs and facilitated them. However it is required make several improvements in its areas of weakness so as to attain highest objective.



American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,,& In Pollack, A. N. (2018). Community Health Paramedicine.

Nwaogu, P. O. (2006). Mental retardation: An African perspective. Gaborone, Botswana: Bay Pub.


390 Words  1 Pages
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