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Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Goal Statement

Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Goal Statement

Reflecting on the rationale behind my choice of becoming a woman Nurse practitioner and forsaking all other specialties is now clear that I have been guided by my passion.  I have always been fascinated by the Pathophysiology  intricate of  women’s care particularly  obstetric care and for this reason,  I  desire to be  an essential element  in offering the prime care  in regard to the special needs held by women in the society.  It is widely known that the best way to offer care to a whole family best begins with the mother or rather the woman. My nursing school attendance  has provided me with increased  aspirations to be consistent in my education and professional which  will permit me to obtain  both personal  as well as professional  development.  My passion in particular is the core of the choice to becoming a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner and my heart is situated on this path.

In order to achieve my desire of bringing major differences in the lives of women, I want to be an advanced practicing Women’s nurse.  This is an opportunity to obtain more knowledge that will be essential in my professional practice.  I want to be involved primarily in the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and eventually generating better relations amid a professional and patients for increased corporation. I will endeavor to acquire a comprehensive strategy in the provision of care to diversified women including all age brackets by offering them treatment that is characterized by dignity, respect as well as compassion. Being an Women’s  nurse with  advanced practice  will offer me the general freedom of independent  practice,  a more close  teaming with a physician which will depend on my professional  working scope.  I  am very  eager to  offer preventative  care which I  extremely believe  to be a crucial healthcare  aspect. My professionalism will be grounded on heartening and sanctioning women to taking charge of their individual health.

Women’s health care provision is one that is characterized by uniqueness thus necessitating vast knowledge and experience. The female gender being a representative of the highest population globally motivates me in being part of offering solutions to their rising health needs. The possession of evidence-based knowledge in treating patients is significant equally to offer care.  Offering comfort to patients increases their ability to be open and highly responsive to care. I believe strongly in patient’s freedom and confidentiality.  As a women’s nurse practitioner, I will offer a space where patients can comfortably express their health concerns at ease. I want to  be open to the needs of the community and particularly women’s  through helping them in meeting their healthcare aims while offering updated, considerate, competent and authoritative care.

I have high expectations regarding the program with the positivity that I will acquire the significantly needed education which will be of the essence in succeeding as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner. My professional opportunities are open as I have no specific set locations to work.  My core passion is based on ensuring that the health needs of women are handled in a professional and unique way and that is my prime focus. With the mention, becoming a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner is the next big step for me as it will offer me with the greatest opportunity of helping individuals by offering the best care.



556 Words  2 Pages
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