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Clinical Significance

Clinical Significance

Confidential intervals have a great clinical significant as they are able to permit and allow a more supple and nuanced approach in analyzing the clinical data of a research. Confidential intervals do allow the investigators test hypotheses of the data. They are also considered more informative due to the important traits and characteristics of the sample size and the accuracy of the estimates relating to different association and groups (Lindmark et al, 2016). They are also useful as they are able to interpret studies relating to small samples which allow the consumers and the researchers who are of scientific literature to come up with more meaningful findings about the significance of the clinical studies (Lindmark et al, 2016). Through the increased use of the confidence intervals journal editors and the researchers have paved way for better understanding of the confidence intervals that has seen the clinician’s willingness to help individuals in order to avoid unnecessary inflexible explanation of the clinical research as there has been some great steps towards evidence based practice.

Controversies surrounding the issue of clinical significance and statistical significance have been an ongoing debate. One of the issues that have caused ranging debate is why clinical significance has received little discussion considering its magnitude of benefits which includes respective profiles, relative costs, patient’s preference and the comfort of new therapy. Statistical confidence has not been able to provide clear information on the practical information of any research but it has gained popularity (Lindmark et al, 2016). It would be true to say that there is a crucial point that has been missed relating to clinical significance compared to statistical significance as it has a likelihood of finding a chance that do not hold future replications.




Lindmark, A., van Rompaye, B., Goetghebeur, E., Glader, E., & Eriksson, M. (2016). The Importance of Integrating Clinical Relevance and Statistical Significance in the Assessment of Quality of Care –Illustrated Using the Swedish Stroke Register. Plos ONE, 11(4), 1-13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153082

334 Words  1 Pages
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