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Why do you think some teenagers seem to drastically change their appearance, their behavior, and their goals from one year to the next?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Why do you think some teenagers seem to drastically change their appearance, their behavior, and their goals from one year to the next?  Think back to your high school years and teen years (which may be very recently for some of you, or even in the present time).  How were (or are) you changing your identity (appearance, behavior, goals, etc.) during this time?  Please use specific examples from your own life, as well as at least one citation to the textbook to support your answer.  You may also use outside sources to back up your response.

TEXTBOOK:  Berger, K.S. (2017).  The Developing Person: Through the Life Span. 10th ed.  Worth Publishers: New York, New York.

128 Words  1 Pages
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