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Your Epidemiology research report seeks to identify one of the diseases that are currently on the rise in the United States. The next step is to research and define future strategies for prevention and control of the disease.

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Paper Instructions:

Module 04 Course Project - Future Directions and Strategies

Your Epidemiology research report seeks to identify one of the diseases that are currently on the rise in the United States. The next step is to research and define future strategies for prevention and control of the disease.


In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize how researchers and healthcare workers are modifying the current approach(es) to overcome issues with prevention and control of the disease.
In 2-3 paragraphs, describe some promising approaches to controlling and preventing the disease that you think should be explored further by researchers and healthcare workers.
List at least two new research sources you've identified that you think have information relevant to the disease you're researching. These sources should be different from those already cited. Include URLs to specific articles or Web pages.
Your paper should:

be at least 1 page in length.
cite research sources in APA format.
be free of spelling and grammar errors.

168 Words  1 Pages
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