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Create a document about yourself that explains who you are, why you are going to school and what you look forward to learning the most by the end of class

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Paper Instructions:

Create a document about yourself that explains who you are, why you are going to school and what you look forward to learning the most by the end of class. You are allowed to use some information from your introduction. If you are uncomfortable talking about yourself personally or including personal pictures, feel free to use fictitious information. Your document MUST include all of the elements listed below. The document should be 2-3 paragraphs in length at a minimum. Feel free to use your creativity with this document!

Your document must include:

Page or art border
Page header
Two different fonts
Two different font sizes
Colored font at some point in the document
Underlined or bolded text
At least 1 inserted image
1 table (any size)
Bullet points

140 Words  1 Pages
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