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Internal Factor Evaluation & Internal–External Matrix

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Paper Instructions:

Option #1:  Internal Factor Evaluation & Internal–External Matrix
Scenario: You are the Director of Strategic Planning for a large hospital. In three weeks, the senior leadership team will embark on its annual strategic planning cycle. The CEO has decided that the team needs a “refresher course” on two important topics: Internal Factor Evaluation and Internal–External Matrix. Therefore, she has asked you to develop a one-page flyer that compares each in a side-by-side format and invites the team to the course. The flyer should briefly describe each tool, and bullet the following items: Application of the tool, strengths of the tools, limitations of the tools, and challenges an organization may face in using the tools.

The flyer should be well-written and meet the following requirements:

1 page in length (excluding title and reference pages),
Formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.), and
In an appendix, include at least three current references from peer-reviewed articles. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find peer-reviewed articles.

184 Words  1 Pages
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