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Signature Project – A Profile in Excellence

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Paper Instructions:

Signature Project – A Profile in Excellence

We often hear the stories of what goes wrong in health care, medical error tragedies and examples of how organizations have failed their patients.

There is much to learn, however, from those who do a great job of taking care of their patients, meeting their needs and going beyond their expectations.

Identify the Mayo Clinic that is known for their high quality of care, service and safety.

Create a paper that addresses:

(Include an outline of your paper on the first page!!!)

*An overview of the organization, a description of what care or services they are known for, and the data that is available to evidence the success of their quality/patient safety efforts;

*Identification of the top four practices in the organization that have contributed to their creation of a “culture of excellence”.  A description should be provided for each of these practices with examples for how they have contributed to the organization’s success.

*Identification of the one practice that you believe is most valuable to the success of the organization, which you would like to experience in your own organization; or, would like to put into place as a future health care leader.

*Lastly, you will identify the lessons you have learned, from a leadership standpoint, from your research.

The paper will be 1250 words long (excluding the outline page), must use APA formatting.

243 Words  1 Pages
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