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- How did the Covid-19 pandemic impact and inflict stress on students at NCCU Theory critique (Locus of control theory)

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Paper Instructions:

GUIDELINES FOR THEORY CRITIQUES You will be required to complete theory critiques for the semester. These assignments will be critical critiques of theories you choose. The requirements for these writing assignments are: You are required to use at least 5 articles from refereed journals or edited books. The paper should be typed using Times New Roman 12-point font. The paper should be double-spaced. The paper should have one-inch margins. APA formatting is required for citation of reference materials. Pages should be numbered according to APA style. Note: Reference pages and cover pages are not part of the page count (use this video to help you remove the number from page 1 ( This paper should not contain running heads. This paper should contain a cover page with the title, your name, the date, class name and number, and my name. The following areas should be addressed in your theory critique: Underlying Assumptions What does the author(s) of the theory say is the cause of crime? In other words why do people commit crimes or not? (This should be one sentence.) Structure of the Theory How does the theory work to explain behavior? (This is the bulk of the critique) Strengths and Weaknesses of Theory What makes the theory a viable explanation for behavior (Strengths)? What are the short comings of theory in terms of explaining behavior? Policy Implications What policies can be developed from this theory to address behavior? You will need to revisit the section on the structure of the theory, as this will help you think about the policies that can be developed. NOTE: A good critique should only be about 2.5 to 3 pages. This page count does not include the cover page or the references.

304 Words  1 Pages
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