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In this unit, you will communicate a healthcare advocacy plan. You will contact either a local healthcare agency (i.e., County Health Department, etc.) or healthcare facility (i.e., clinic, hospital, or nursing home) to research two to three healthcare is

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Paper Instructions:

In this unit, you will communicate a healthcare advocacy plan. You will contact either a local healthcare agency (i.e., County Health Department, etc.) or healthcare facility (i.e., clinic, hospital, or nursing home) to research two to three healthcare issues affecting the local community.

Explain the issues facing your community, possible methods to alleviate the concern, and how you would ethically advocate for the respective population. You are required to research the specific issues presented with credible sources (e.g., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute of Health, Census Bureau, etc.). In a 3-page paper, present a healthcare advocacy plan that addresses your research findings. Provide a summary of your findings, including at least three (3) credible references to support your advocacy plan in APA format.


Research two to three healthcare issues affecting your local community.
Propose a healthcare advocacy plan that addresses your research findings.
Include three (3) academic references.

168 Words  1 Pages
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