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Interstate Commerce issues with Cannabis

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Interstate Commerce issues with Cannabis

    In the event all cannabis products are allowed to be entered into interstate commerce, do you think the DEA would still technically have enforcement authority? What type of enforcement actions could be taken?

    2. Future of Cannabis Regulation

    It is clear that based on the warning letters from the FDA, the FDA testimony on the Farm Bill, and their relatively recent approval of Epidiolex, the FDA will be drafting additional guidance for companies to research and submit for approval therapies containing cannabis (which includes cannabioids, terpenoids, favonoids and omgea fatty acids). Cannabis also remains a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substance Act. How do you think the FDA should propose regulation around cannabis research and approvals? Should all products require FDA approval? Is there a regulatory pathway currently used by the FDA that the FDA could model such regulation? Do you agree with the "FDA and Cannabis: Research and Drug Approval Process" document from the FDA website?
183 Words  1 Pages
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