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Willard Asylum

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Go to the website:  The Willard Suitcase Exhibit Online ( ), 
which is a presentation based on the book:  The Lives They Left Behind:  Suitcases from a State Hospital Attic (Penney, Stastny, Rinzler, Whitaker, 2009). The book tells the story of the Willard Asylum and recreates the lives of 10 clients who were hospitalized there for many years.  Read through each category included on the website.  At the “recollections” section, listen to at least 4 oral histories of nurses and other staff that worked at Willard Asylum.
After completing the Case Study, answer the following questions (2-3 pages typed, double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman)
1.    Who was sent to Willard? 
2.    How did people enter Willard?
3.    What happened to people at Willard?
4.    How did people respond to treatment at Willard?
5.    Is psychiatric hospital treatment better today that in the past? Defend your answer.
6.    After reading “A movement for human rights,” describe the role you believe nursing should take in protecting the mentally ill from substandard conditions that compromise safety, legal rights, and human dignity. 

197 Words  1 Pages
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