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A link between mental health and child obesity

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Paper Instructions:

Final Research Project Outline-Section Subheadings
Topic:  A link between mental health and child obesity?

Sections should include the following areas written in paragraph form with subheadings:

Short introduction of the proposal (2-3 sentences)
Statement of the Problem (1-2 sentences)
Purpose of the Study (2-3 sentences)
Limitations (about 1 sentence per limitation)
Hypothesis(es) (1 sentence per hypothesis)
Definition of Terms (1 sentence per term)
Significance of the Study (or Need for the Study) (1 paragraph)
Literature Review-a. Introduction (1 paragraph) b. Review of the Literature (2-3 paragraphs) c. Summary (1 paragraph)
III.      Methods and Procedures

Participants (2-3 sentences)
Research Design (2-3 sentences)
Instruments (subheadings for more than one) (1-2 sentences per instrument)
Procedures (1-2 paragraphs)
Proposed Statistical Analysis (1 paragraph)
Implications of results and future research (1-2 paragraphs)

139 Words  1 Pages
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